Holly blue
Celastrina argiolus
Size: wingspan 26-34mm.
Description: shining, sky-blue upper-wings, the male has fine dark margins on the forewings, the female has heavy dark borders here. It is best to identify when the butterfly is at rest with the underwings visible. Underwings are pale blue with small dark spots.
Habitat: bushy, wooded habitat, often in woodland clearings and margins where its larvae feed on plants such as holly and ivy. Adults nectar on bramble and forget me nots, but show a preference for aphid honeydew. The males also take minerals from damp mud and animal waste.
Distribution: southern England, Wales and parts of Northern Ireland.
Male holly blue with fine dark margins (Christine Martin/WTML) -
Female holly blue with heavy dark borders (northeastwildlife.co.uk) -
Underwing of the holly blue showing the dark spots (Christine Martin/WTML)
Not to be confused with

Common blue
The common blue has black and orange spots on the underwing. (northeastwildlife.co.uk)