Amount of fruit
This is a subjective assessment of fruit crop. Give the tree you record a fruit score from 1 to 5 using the scale below. Only record amount of fruit on untrimmed trees.
If you are not used to looking at the amount of fruit, don’t record this until you feel confident to do so. It may take a couple of years of observing a tree to get an idea of what is a ‘good’ or ‘meagre’ crop compared to previous years.
If you have recorded beech events before, please continue to record on the same tree.
1 = no fruit
2 = meagre
3 = moderate
4 = good crop
5 = exceptional
Why do we record amount of fruit?
Amount of fruit is an indicator of winter food availability for birds and mammals, as well as the seed source available for natural regeneration of trees and shrubs. It may be linked to climate variables in preceding seasons.
Available historic data: our dataset starts in 2000