Nature's Calendar Blog

  • Spring signs already on the way

    By Kate Lewthwaite, 02/02/2023

    How has 2023 started for wildlife? We look at some of the early records Nature's Calendar has recently received. 

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  • Mild autumn muddles UK wildlife

    By Kate Warriner, 08/12/2022

    Have you seen any odd behaviours in wildlife this autumn? We look back at the effects of a mild autumn on the nation’s wildlife.

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  • Is 2022 a mast year?

    By Fritha West, 26/10/2022
    Acorn from an oak tree on the ground

    Have you noticed a bumper crop of acorns this year? You’re not alone – it seems that across the UK, oak trees are producing acorns in mast year like numbers. But does that mean it is a mast year?

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  • Fly agaric: what to look for, where to find it and other amazing facts

    By Kate Warriner, 01/10/2022
    Fly agaric growing among grass

    Wondering what you can record at this time of year? Learn about fly agaric and how to spot it this autumn.

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  • Citizen science explains record-breaking jay sightings

    By Julian Hughes and Fritha West, 07/09/2022

    Record-breaking numbers of jays were reported following last years acorn count, which was one of the lowest on record. Using data from Nature's Calendar, BirdTrack, eBird and the BTO Garden Bird Watch, Julian Hughes answered the question: what were these jays doing, and where were they coming from?

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Showing 11 to 15 of 46 results

Peacock butterfly

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Have you seen your first butterfly or swallow of the spring? Is it a good year for wild autumn fruits? Take part in Nature's Calendar and help scientists to monitor the effects of climate change on wildlife.

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