Nature's Calendar Blog

  • Nature's Calendar and the State of the UK Climate

    By Fritha West, 22/08/2022

    Using Nature’s Calendar records sent in by members of the public, we evaluate the impact of climate change on wildlife by examining the timing of natural events for selected species. These findings are analysed by Professor Tim Sparks and used to create the phenology section of the State of UK Climate report.

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  • What does extreme heat mean for wildlife?

    By Fritha West, 19/07/2022
    a dead branch against a bright blue sky

    This summer has been the hottest on record. Many of you have been getting out and about in the sunshine, but not all species do so well in extreme heat. What changes have you noticed in this heatwave, and how can you put these observations to good use?

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  • Expected date ranges explained

    By Judith Garforth and Fritha West, 22/06/2022
    Elder flowering

    Our recorders have been sending in their wildlife records for many years now. This means we have a pretty good idea of when to expect certain species to do certain things. However, sometimes unusual weather means that we receive records earlier or later than expected.

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  • What does Phenology mean to you?

    By Fritha West, 26/05/2022

    Phenology is the study of the timing of natural events. But what does it mean to record phenology, and why is it important? Dr Michelle Bastian, from the Edinburgh College of Art, encourages us to take an interdisciplinary approach.

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  • Gilbert White celebrations

    By Guest Blog: Seren Irwin, 04/05/2022

    We are incredibly lucky to have a rich history of recording natural history in the UK. Phenology - the study of the timing of natural events - as been a popular pastime for hundreds of years. 

    Pioneering naturalist, Gilbert White, is well-known for recording seasonal events at his home in Selborne, Hampshire. 2020 was the 300th anniversary of his birth and the Gilbert White House & Gardens and Nature's Calendar have been working together to celebrate his life and work. 

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Showing 21 to 25 of 52 results

Peacock butterfly

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Have you seen your first butterfly or swallow of the spring? Is it a good year for wild autumn fruits? Take part in Nature's Calendar and help scientists to monitor the effects of climate change on wildlife.

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